
@arianabunnyfreak yeah I went to a meet&greet kind of thing when he came to California with some friends and he signed our books (: I'm having a bit of a predicament myself because I don't want to see the movie because it'll ruin how I pictured the book but at the same time I do want to see it because of Logan Lerman ;) you can't blame me though.. he's hot haha 


@arianabunnyfreak yeah I went to a meet&greet kind of thing when he came to California with some friends and he signed our books (: I'm having a bit of a predicament myself because I don't want to see the movie because it'll ruin how I pictured the book but at the same time I do want to see it because of Logan Lerman ;) you can't blame me though.. he's hot haha 


@arianabunnyfreak Leo Valdez as in the guy of The Lost Hero? omg I love Rick Riordan's books! I met him in 2011 and he signed my book of The Son Of Neptune! yeah but it's a coincidence though.. my last name's Valdez:D I'm guessing you like his books too? are you excited for Percy Jackson Sea of Monsters?