
I am very sorry it has been a very good long time since I have been in here. I haven't had the time and had a lot of problems at the time. I finally posted a story I wrote last year. Also, if you messaged me, I am sorry to not replying, due to not being on, I felt odd replying now after over four months for some messages have passed, without me even seeing them. Love you all. 


I am very sorry it has been a very good long time since I have been in here. I haven't had the time and had a lot of problems at the time. I finally posted a story I wrote last year. Also, if you messaged me, I am sorry to not replying, due to not being on, I felt odd replying now after over four months for some messages have passed, without me even seeing them. Love you all. 


The amount of people following you doesn't matter. The amount of feedback you get is what matters. One could have 1k followers with no feedback what someone else could have five followers and have tons of feedback and activity. Don't let a number get you down. It really means nothing if you aren't getting much of any feedback. 


I know it has been a while since writing after Exposed. I am working on a story right now, which I'm very excited about but I don't wish to share it until it is finished which may take a year or so. I will try to post  more short stories if you'd like me to an ill try to work on my other story that is up. Let me know. Thank you very much for following. I highly appreciate it. I love you all dearly much so. Have a good holiday <3