
Heya, there! Heard you're a fan of Marvel. What do you think of Guardians of the Galaxy Part 2, based off of what you've seen and heard? What about Infinity War? Spider-Man: Homecoming? 
          I'm getting off topic.
          So I have a favor to ask: my Avengers fanfiction, "Spyder and the Avengers," could really use some input and I was wondering if you'd be up to the task.
          Thank you, and happy early Easter!


@sutton113 Thank you veryveryveryvery much. School's quite the timesucker.


@_Spyder_ just wanted to say I've been really busy this past week but now I'm am done with all my work so I will be making time to read your book.


@sutton113 And, uh, enjoy! ^_^