
Hello to all of you, i know the most of you don't speak arabic, but I've write my first story in arabic and i want your support... Maybe you can help me and tell your followers to read my story... It's too short, it's 7 pages only, so wont won't take that time to read it ... It's my first story and i truly need your help  
          	مرحبا للجميع، انا قد قمت بكتابة اول قصة لي باللغة العربية، انا احتاج دعمكم جدا ... يمكنكم ان تدعموني بقرائتكم للقصة والداء رايكم فيها، وربما ايضا اخبار اصدقائكم لكي يقرأوها ايضا.... القصة قصيرة جدا ولن تحتاج اكثر من خمسة دقائق للقراءة ... اتمنى جدا ان تدعموني وتساعدوني 


Ohh thank you ;* that really makes me happy :))) 


          	  i was reading your story. I talk arabic and I liked it so much.. :)


Hello to all of you, i know the most of you don't speak arabic, but I've write my first story in arabic and i want your support... Maybe you can help me and tell your followers to read my story... It's too short, it's 7 pages only, so wont won't take that time to read it ... It's my first story and i truly need your help  
          مرحبا للجميع، انا قد قمت بكتابة اول قصة لي باللغة العربية، انا احتاج دعمكم جدا ... يمكنكم ان تدعموني بقرائتكم للقصة والداء رايكم فيها، وربما ايضا اخبار اصدقائكم لكي يقرأوها ايضا.... القصة قصيرة جدا ولن تحتاج اكثر من خمسة دقائق للقراءة ... اتمنى جدا ان تدعموني وتساعدوني 


Ohh thank you ;* that really makes me happy :))) 


            i was reading your story. I talk arabic and I liked it so much.. :)