
@svarnrachna Hey, how are you doing? I saw you deleted Instagram again, so I’ve decided to message you here instead.
          I just wanted to say that I haven’t forgotten about you and I never will! 
          I hope everything is going well at school and I also hope things are going well with your physical transformation as well.
          I know that whenever you delete instagram, you normally do it for mental health reasons so I hope everything is alright and I’m always here for you if you need anything, I will help you to the best of my abilities. 
          It’s such a shame that this is the only method of communication we have with each other aside from Instagram but I really don’t want to lose you so I guess this’ll do.
          I will periodically message you on here until we establish a better method of communicating with each other. 
          I really don’t want this to be the end of our friendship, I really value your friendship and the conversations we have together.
          I hope you see this message, I know you don’t use this app much but I really hope it reaches you.
          I don’t really know how to end this message, I guess I’ll just say bye for now.
          Until we meet again.