
trying to make content for the tiktok page based on these fics is great because i actually can't edit to save my life. so some ideas may never see the light of day unless i make them straight into pictures/slides.


feeling down so i've channelled it into writing hurt/comfort with Stiles for a fic and guys you are in for a treat with this when it eventually comes out 
          (i have so much love for this book and everything but the writing is so dull so far and no matter how hard i try i can't make it less boring. i've got ideas for later in the fic though so i'm writing those scenes but i'm now stuck at a point in s1 and i'm writing scenes for s3 


i was coming up with a faceclaim for my hunger games fic and i was like "oh, rachel zegler would actually be a pretty good option" before realising i couldn't use her, so that's helpful. 
          i feel like people use the same few faceclaims for dystopian fics so i'm hoping to give myself a few options before i resort to those 
          (i'm not trying to call out anyone who uses one of those faceclaims for their fics, it's just that i'm doing my best to use faceclaims who aren't really common - honestly it's just making my life harder really but i've gotta do it)


you guys are insane and i love you, THIEVES AND ASSASSINS gained 1.2K reads since i last checked yesterday!! you did that! thank you so much, i love that fic so much and i'm so glad that you all enjoy it (or at least i think you do, if you're reading it) 
          p.s. any help on a facelcaim for valya for this book would be greatly appreciated, i've had so much trouble finding one and i'm focused on getting other things written as well as doing other things, so recommendations or help would be very highly appreciated, thank you!!


honestly think that finding a faceclaim is one of the worst parts of writing a fanfic. no one fits the image but i don't have an image in mind. how do i do this??? 
          do i use a temporary one until i know who to use? this is so difficult i swear


@_sarcasticstiles_ So true! I struggle to find a proper one too


Hi, i know this is a lot to ask but I saw your Wattpad book covers and I was wondering if you could make one for me. I’m completely horrendous. I get quite a bit of view my most being 20k on one book and my least being 50 but i dont mind because I do it for fun anyways. I am currently doing a stiles fan fic and was wondering if you could do me a cover? If not that’s totally fine. My insta is kylieecloudd_ if you have other questions 


My solution to there being no fics about a character that I want to read? Writing my own, or just reading X readers on Tumblr or something. Usually writing my own. 
          The issues with this method? 
          1) I've written the fic, so I know what's going to happen most of the time, meaning sometimes I don't want to read it 
          2) I'm currently desperate for a Marauders era Remus Lupin fic, and all the ones I've found look really badly written, or follow the same 3 basic plots (James' sister, "I love you but I'm a werewolf and I can't do that to you" (ft. "I'M A MONSTER, YOU CAN'T LOVE ME" and "idk what to do, I love him but he won't let me") or something either they're a werewolf too or they're meant to hate werewolves). My solution to this issue, I'm writing my own. The problem is, I don't really have a good idea, any song I can think to base a fanfic off of, I can't, and plot shops aren't offering anything that I can structure chapters around, and even if I have a basic idea of sorts, I can't think of how to write it or what to put in a chapter. 
          HELP ME PLEASE.