@svthighs i understand how you feel and this is probably not going to help but you're not a failure, i want you to know that. you're someone i look up to [i guess?? i'm not sure if that's the word. i rrreeally like your books, i wish i could write like you and your drawings that i have seen are so cute. they might not seem good enough to you but there are a lot of people who can't even do what you think is not good enough (me for example), don't forget that!]. it's normal for you to feel burned out and not like your own artworks, i used to feel like that too. i sometimes still do. i'm still not sure about what to do about that. what i'm sure about is that you shouldn't give up. keep on going but take breaks if you feel like you need to. if you want to talk i'm sure there are a lot of people that would love to listen to you, one of them being me! sorry, it was pretty messy :/