
I just caught up to where you are in The Black Cross. I can honestly say this book is simply stunning. Beautiful and well written. The story is engaging, grabbing you from the start and sinking its nails in deep.  I  was so caught up that I didn't comment, or vote or anything. I could not, that's how entrenched I was in the plot. So, in short, I wanted to let you know just how good it truly is. 
          Thank you. 


hiii. i dont know if you still remember me huhu. but if you dont, we met each other at a comment section in a book which i dont remember what the title is XD. we dont interact with each other that much but i’ll never forget you since you’re one of my first friend here in wattpad hihi. i suddenly remembered you as well because i feel like rereading “run” again hihi. i hope you still remember me and i hope we interact once again. i missed you tbh : ( hope you’re doing well! idk if you’re still active but i’m still hoping you’ll read this message i left in your profile huhu. ilyyy ! 


Hey I’ve not been active in quite a few months and I do remember you I miss you too :) I am doing good how are you ❤️