
I posted “this is a happy story” in its entirety! All chapters are available, so let me know what you think of it!


Thank YOU for reading it!! I’m also glad you like the way I publish, because I never know what works best. I’m not sure about any sequels, most times when I’m done writing a story I’m realllllyy done. But who knows, perhaps some day!


@swanqueenstories thank you for sharing this story with us! I really liked it and I thought the new format works great! I was hoping for a different ending, but it was sweet nonetheless. Looking forward to the next one! 
          	   I appreciate that you are posting stories in bulk and not just releasing a chapter every week or so. Are you planning on doing a sequel to any of your stories?


I posted “this is a happy story” in its entirety! All chapters are available, so let me know what you think of it!


Thank YOU for reading it!! I’m also glad you like the way I publish, because I never know what works best. I’m not sure about any sequels, most times when I’m done writing a story I’m realllllyy done. But who knows, perhaps some day!


@swanqueenstories thank you for sharing this story with us! I really liked it and I thought the new format works great! I was hoping for a different ending, but it was sweet nonetheless. Looking forward to the next one! 
             I appreciate that you are posting stories in bulk and not just releasing a chapter every week or so. Are you planning on doing a sequel to any of your stories?


I just published the first chapter to my new story “This is a happy story”!
          It’s *very* different from what I usually write, at least the format is.
          I’m really curious to know what you all think since it’s not a regular plot structure, so let me know!!
          Anyway, enjoy & have a great day!❤️


Aahhh that’s so sweet!! Thanks! 


@swanqueenstories great!! The first chapter really got me curious.
            I have to finish what I am reading and I have another one on queue, but this goes straight up in my reading queue after that!
            As always, thanks for sharing your work.


“One door closes” is now fully published! I hope you all like this story!!


Aahh thank you!! I’m reaaaally curious what people will think of this new one because it’s very different than usual


i loved it!!! it ended too soon i love your stories and can’t wait to read what you post next


also, should I be scared to read the divorce because I really want to read it but I don’t think I’m equipped to cry right now I don’t think I’m ready like I have to know if they get back together man my heart


The divorce is, in my opinion, not as difficult to read as “that one second” (for example). Last time I skimmed through it, it was mostly amusing, with but a few sad scenes :)


I just read the list and I loved it and so I went to go add all of your books to my library and I realize I had read like three of your other book already and I have to reread them because I read so many books that sometimes I can’t remember but your books I’m determined to remember so I literally just added all of your books to my library and I’m excited.


That’s so super sweet!! Thank you for the love!!!! <3333


Oh my God, I just noticed 1k followers haha! Thank you all so much & im working on yet another story! <333


@swanqueenstories Congratulations!! You really deserve it xx