
this message may be offensive
Hi guys I saw everyone is asking justice for Sushant, justice for Sushant, justice for Sushant I want to know what justice u want for Sushant.
          	I want to ask one more question will u people do the same if Sushant was alive and he said nepotism is there in bollywood and I want ur help what will be ur answer let me tell I'm dame sure most of the people will u r talking bull shit my salman is thop he encourage new talent u r just useless may be that's y he is not helping u what happen to kangana she raised her voice people trolled her saying she lost her mind even now if Sushant was alive same thing will be repeating 
          	I want to tell u all not god father kids are wrong we people are wrong bcoz we people are the one who give them money we always watch their movies but we never encourage new one atleast now we will think about new talent I think this is best justice for Sushant.
          	 I'm seeing only Sushant Sushant from week I just felt like writing my view on this 


@swasanangel though you are right but kangana is mad


@swasanangel  yes this is true in my previous comment  I'm not talking about sushant


We didn't know about all the pain Sushant has suffer,just we know he had struggle to be a celebrity from TV actor,we don't have any idea regarding his depression or through nepotism


          I would like to know if someone read a story 
          where Sanskar is a doctor.
          Sujata and Ram sent a marriage proposal for swara.
          - Both family are waiting for swasan elder sibling to come before marriage ritual starts.
          - adarsh is sanskar m'a brother, married to parineeta and has a 5 years old son.
          - Ragini is swara's sister, married to Laksh and 
          has a new born baby girl.
          - While coming to visit for the wedding, raglak dies, and laksh's parents refused to accept the baby girl. Then, Swara decide to adopt the baby girl and refuse to marry sanskar.
          Eventually, after meeting each other they decide to marry. Swara's daughter(few months old) is comfortable with sanskar.
          Could you please let me the story and writer name?


Sorry no idea 


this message may be offensive
Hi guys I saw everyone is asking justice for Sushant, justice for Sushant, justice for Sushant I want to know what justice u want for Sushant.
          I want to ask one more question will u people do the same if Sushant was alive and he said nepotism is there in bollywood and I want ur help what will be ur answer let me tell I'm dame sure most of the people will u r talking bull shit my salman is thop he encourage new talent u r just useless may be that's y he is not helping u what happen to kangana she raised her voice people trolled her saying she lost her mind even now if Sushant was alive same thing will be repeating 
          I want to tell u all not god father kids are wrong we people are wrong bcoz we people are the one who give them money we always watch their movies but we never encourage new one atleast now we will think about new talent I think this is best justice for Sushant.
           I'm seeing only Sushant Sushant from week I just felt like writing my view on this 


@swasanangel though you are right but kangana is mad


@swasanangel  yes this is true in my previous comment  I'm not talking about sushant


We didn't know about all the pain Sushant has suffer,just we know he had struggle to be a celebrity from TV actor,we don't have any idea regarding his depression or through nepotism


Hey guys..... 
          I know u all are waiting for my updates but sorry I won't be able to update bcoz of my busy schedule I'm sorry for that plz forgive I will try to update next month and one important note STAY SAFE and aware of corona virus... 
          I hope u all have clapped for our doctors if not do now 


Okie sure boy I will post soon 


@swasanangel waiting for more stories  #bigfan


Thank you thank you so much for ur support I didn't expect this much support from u people thank u so much for all ur love❤️ and support which I didn't even imagine in my dreams just now I saw comments no no love I don't even know I deserve this much love support or not but I'm so happy seeing the messages 
          Even if I say thousand times it will less only thank you so much yar  


@Ramitajaipur okie then take my love ❤️


this message may be offensive
Hello guys i got few negative comments on my story I love u only on (chapter 38) saying rape is not a joke I already cleared my point of view in it still I got a comment saying remove it so I'm removing it but I just want to say one thing situation demands not a word to be frank I didn't like the way how she told me to remove it she said like she ordering me which I didn't like it but keeping few comments in my mind I'm deleting it but i won't compensate that chapter writing another stuff in it I just simply remove it and it will be continue like 37 and after 39 38 won't be there 
          I don't understand u people will like the story of rapping someone and love the same person but u people  won't like the word rape kamal hai yar anyways I'm deleting this whole chapter has u people wished but understanding one thing who comments negative way there is a way to explain the things u can't just order or hurt someone with ur comments in this case I don't even need comments or votes 
          I feel ony a writer can write the negative points in understanding way may be bcoz even they know how it feels when they get negative comments in angry/hurting way but few readers can't do that not every reader few and I'm sorry guys anyone is hurt by my words  


@swasanangel thanks alot and from now on always think for who likes you or your stories don't think about haters


@yassureader thank you for ur precious words  dear my brain screw is tight now  I'm republishing the chapter again thank you for ur love and support by the way I like ur stories 


@swasanangel hello I am very sorry to interfere in your matter but why will you remove your hard work for anyone else, if they have some problem from your story they should stop reading it, just think about it...... I didn't read your this story till now but since are reading if few don't like it didn't nobody likes then do your hard work for that one person who is liking your story or that part why are you thinking about those 100 peoples who is not liking..... They are like society who always point out something wrong in every good thing..... So it's my suggestion don't feller it for the person who is liking it.....rest it's up to you


Thank you so much guys u people made my day u people don't know how much I'm waiting to reach 2k followers  thank u guys thank u so much 
          I'm sorry I was unable to post my stories I know u people are angry on me but guys my father was attacked by dengue  I was in tension these days has he was diabetic patient and he was very week due to this dengue attack  plz guys pray for my father to recover soon  I want him to be fit and fine again 


@rilahramla thank you dear ♥️


@swasanangel hey dear...dont worry god will help you...your dad will be fine sooner❤


Hello guys swasanangel here I know u all are waiting for my update but I'm sorry yar I can't update today bcoz I'm have Pooja in my home today so i won't be able to complete my story but for sure I will post tomorrow night