this message may be offensive
ya know, it really sucks when someone is practically PREACHING that they want you, and saying all these things that make you feel a certain way, and them reciprocating these feelings. I understand things change over time, and I understand you live far away, but this was beyond fucked up. Your feelings towards me were real, but in the end what you ended up doing hurt the most. The funny thing is, I wanna hate you so badly with every damn bone in my body but I just can’t bring myself to. time goes by, your still flirting and reciprocating these feelings; yet days later you tell me your talking to someone else, someone closer. I get that, but you could’ve told me sooner instead of telling me after you’ve still shown feeling. So in my mind, you fucked me over. Early on those feelings were real, but towards the end you were just leading me on. And then you have the audacity to leave me on delivered for a fucking week and a half when I’m trying to make an effort for it not yo be awkward and actually be friends? Whatever. fuck you. sorry guys, I needed to get that out. disregard this.