Alright, so I’m sticking to my 10 drafts self-rule, which means I have two more parts to write until I post the new story!
I’m working on a publishing schedule so that I can have things done, and I’ll keep y’all updated!
Be on the lookout for “New Starts and Broken Hearts: a Jaden Hossler fanfiction!”
Alright, so I’m sticking to my 10 drafts self-rule, which means I have two more parts to write until I post the new story!
I’m working on a publishing schedule so that I can have things done, and I’ll keep y’all updated!
Be on the lookout for “New Starts and Broken Hearts: a Jaden Hossler fanfiction!”
idk how many of you are jaden fans, but i figured that i would spitball a little bit here
Jaden (and his music) literally saved me, and I want to get a tattoo inspired by that, but I don’t think that I want something other people might have
Any suggestions?
@swaywhore hip? I’ve got somewhere btw 20-30 and I don’t remember my hip bothering me. I slept thru the back of my neck but you wouldn’t see that. My spine hurt for sure..nothing was worse than my foot though. Collar bone may be a good spot, that didn’t bother me too much.
@116mmm so, i have 8 tattoos already
Left wrist, ring finger, bicep and butt cheek, and right thigh, rib, shoulder and forearm. I considered spine, which I know will be uncomfy, and I feel like I might want to be able to see it