bro wtf is going on with my past self lmao even my 2021 self is shook in a cringe way


Guys, MJ has a lot of haters. I couldn't even concentrate on the positive side anymore and because of the hate, I forgot all the happiness of MJ. At first, I was joyful and I always smiled everytime I heard MJ's speech, I melt when I see him smile and I laugh at his funny moments. It all seem to disappear because of the haters. They are so blind. Very blind. They think MJ bleached his skin, they think MJ molested children, they think MJ copied, they think MJ never donated to charities and say that Elvis did, and many more. I just can't believe these. I never thought people could be stupid.

@Iaintdrunk69 aww thank you so much my fellaz and you are welcome. ❤ Of course MJ ia Unbreakble. So they just have to Beat It. ☺☺ XD

@Mikezilla12 You're very very right! ☺ Thanks for reminding me, my moonwalker friend! MJ haters will never be at the top and they will never beat MJ!

@Iaintdrunk69 Look Moonwalker! "People always throw stones to the fruitful trees" ..... That saying really proofs in MJ's life. MJ haters are the best stupids in this world. They always jealous of Michael. They know in their hearts that they are not even value for a dirt which Mike's shoes step on. They know they are guilty. Why they are jealous? Bcz of our MJ is not on just the top, he is on top of the top.⬆So those haters can't bear their asses and their dumb mouths bcz of the higest uniqueness of MJ. Think how much they miss MJ? They always hope to be MJ knowing they can't even be his relection even though they act as they know everything which they don't truly and ot makes us laugh. They are so low. Their minds are covered up with dust of judgement. They also judge him so wrongly and in a foolish way without knowing and understanding MJ. They don't have any business or something to look at themselves and make a change. They have destroyed and chopped MJ but MJ is not got ruined himself bcz it lead to be success more to his life among barriers. Haters gonna hate yet but MJ has already shaked shaken the world in perfectionism. So it highlights the haters are the losers in the world. ☺✌

So I saw a mean MJ meme in Amiri King's facebook page... When I checked the comments, It was filled with MJ hate comments! They say pedo in the meadow, a child molester etc. They say MJ's music sucks. There was no one who defended him. I was really upset because a lot of MJ haters are there. Like about 10000+. I tried to defend him, but they ended up making fun of me. Ugh, haters.

@Iaintdrunk69 omg not good to waste your precious time for those stupid haters my dear. Making them understand is useless. So let them be in their web and block them. ❤

Elvis fans are cruel...

@Iaintdrunk69 Of course!! I agree with you... I also hate hating people bcz we are also human and what I think is, they are so low in understanding and its a weakness of them. So we become fools by argueing with them so I just block them to let them stay in their opinions. :)))

@Iaintdrunk69 Of course!! I agree with you... I also hate hating people bcz we are also human and what I think is, they are so low in understanding and its a weakness of them. So we become fools by argueing with them so I just block them to let them stay in their opinions. :)))

@Iaintdrunk69 Of course!! I agree with you... I also hate hating people bcz we are also human and what I think is, they are so low in understanding and its a weakness of them. So we become fools by argueing with them so I just block them to let them stay in their opinions. :)))

Thanks for following me back friend. ☺ I hope you will enjoy my books too as well as I appreciate you. ☺☺❤

@Iaintdrunk69 aww its okay dearly.. You can read when you feel free. Thanx so much. I will do for yours too. ❤❤☺

@MikeyBabyGirlGaya No problem! Of course, I enjoy your books! I just don't really have much time... but I will read them!

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Finally found the shit who unfollowed.

(I wrote this in August 29, 2017) Happy Birthday, Apple head! <3 You're 59 years old now and I feel so sad when you're not here for years. I want to thank you for caring for your family, friends and us. Thank you for inspiring people with your God given talents and seeing you smiling brightly makes us happy! We love your music so much, along with your dancing and especially when your not on stage because you're a different person when you're not there. Your first Christmas, the super soaker fight, water balloon fight, food fight and all other cheerful events will always be remembered.You melt our hearts because you are a kindhearted person who cares about others who are in need and in pain... You're a big help to us all because you let us see on what's happening to the world and also your music, smile, talent, everything about you gives us joy when we are feeling down. Seeing people who doesn't know anything about you and judges you makes me sad because they don't see that you are a loving person who never wants to disrespect Jesus and God and do what the good things they want you to do. You wanted to show them that Jesus is our savior and some people thought that you wanted to be Jesus/God and they said that they saw you in hell, well it's not true, and it breaks my heart me to see you hurt. But it doesn't matter anymore because God knows everything and those people who are judgmental will never send you to a bad place. You are a very fun, kind, and a very talented human being and we love you from the bottom of our hearts and please continue smiling because your family, friends and fans are there for you, Michael. Rest in peace, King of Pop A.K.A. MICHAEL JACKSON! You are the only entertainer/dancer/singer who I will always choose. F THE PRESS! MICHAEL, YOU'RE THE BEST!!
