
Merry Christmas 
          	Sorry for not posting a chapter in like ages. Hopefully I can post some more during the winter break! 


Hi! Hope you have had a wonderful evening/morning, I was wondering if you could spare the time to support an extremely underated writer called fay willows? She is making a rewrite of her book that comes in May 7th and I would really appreciate if you could go and follow (if you want), comment, like, share and add the book to any of your reading lists! 


But I’m intrigued when will she find out they killed her mother and her reactions to knowing
          Hopefully you could put that she runaway and they kidnap her back or something like that, just suggestions


Don’t worry, no pressure


@minigo1234 Great ideas! And honestly I have no clue when to update. I've lost motivation and I'm tryna find some and plus I have to read thru my book again since I kinda forgot some key stuff that I will need for my future chapters 


Hey there!
          I apologise for slipping into your MB this way but if you could, can you please check out my story from the following link and support me by dropping your votes❤️ i would be so glad if you could find a lil time out to check out the story ❤️
          Thank you for your time though ❤️


@eclipswe__ you're welcome! I would also say try and enter some competitions and awards, if you scroll down you can see some awards I'm participating in. That will definitely attract more readers, whether you win or not. 


@eclipswe__ okay! And thank you so much for the advice! I am absolutely new into this section of writing, and I would definitely love to know the parts i could improve on... to attract more readers ❤️


@eclipswe__ I'll wait for you to finish the book and read it :) I've skimmed thru a few chapters and maybe make your chapters longer, that might help attract more readers and definitely add more tags. I hope you don't mind me giving you some advice. I just think this story would flourish if you do that! :) 