now, how long have I been gone from this app, the notifs are kinda insane
so I kinda want to write again,,,,,,
but before that I realized that my prev works are kinda messy, gila gue nulis disini udah berapa tahun wkwkwkwk and I kinda want to revise it if I got the time to do it so I'm so sorry for those who were reading my works and suddenly I unpublished it lol
thank you for your support all this time that gives me a HUGE impact, seriously guys, kalau kalian gak support dan encourage gue buat nulis I'll never got the confidence in writing❤️
aaanndddd, regarding my will to write again....
I might or might not do it karena kuliah gue 1000% chaos and I don't wanna disappoint you guys yang mungkin akan baca karena kalaupun gue mulai nulis lagi gue gak janji bisa update terlalu sering karena gue juga gamau asal update yang bakal bikin ceritanya worse
well, that's all I want to say to you guys, and once again thank you for encouraging me and helping me to gain my confidence in writing!