
@iWizard: I'm sure that you can take partial IB, you just have to take a certain number of IB courses.  I don't remember how many courses qualify you as partial IB, you'd have to ask someone about that.  You still have to take English and Social, but you would be doing the regular curriculum instead of the IB curriculum.


Hi! Wondering if you'd like to read something new? I have two stories I am working on and a brief synopsis on my page for each: "Not if You Were the Last Man on Earth" and "The Shoes that Charlotte Wore." Thank you!


@iWizard: I'm sure that you can take partial IB, you just have to take a certain number of IB courses.  I don't remember how many courses qualify you as partial IB, you'd have to ask someone about that.  You still have to take English and Social, but you would be doing the regular curriculum instead of the IB curriculum.


Are you sure you can take only part IB? Because if you can, then I would. I'm not really that fond of English and the Social parts. I have to take them, but it isn't worth IB (that's what I think). Can you not take English and other things, or is it a package?