
          	i decided to unpublishing all of my stories. i have no reason with that tbh. but thanks for the previous hype on my books see ya till gettin' better


Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb
          Numpang promosi boleh kali yak? :)
          Panggilan buat Sijeuni, MIDZY dan Deobi, buat kalian yang lagi nyari Wattpad yg castnya si kembar Jeno Eric dan si couple Jeno Lia, di cerita Arka kali ini aku gunain mereka sebagai castnya loh
          Buat yang minat baca, yuk langsung kepoin ceritanya
          Yuk dibaca, yang suka jangan lupa di like ya  yang mau minta feedback an juga boleh kok tinggal bilang aja


hi, sweetlittlelie-s here!
          first, i would like to apologise that one of sweetlittlelie-s' book Brother in Rules is not updated in a long time. this because the author have no feels about the story again ((sad)) and every i write it, it feels like,, this is not Brother in Rules,,, and then decided to not continue the chapter. 
          i'm really sorry to who wait it for a long time. 
          i'm really sorry for the unprofessional me for the writings. I'll work more harder in the future and hope I'll back in this platform ((tbh i have a lot of projects, but it's discontinued lol)). and I'd like to say thanks who you guys that still reads all the books♡
          sometimes when i read all the compliments, critics etc, it slaps me really hard(╥﹏╥) but i really appreciate it thankyou sm<3
          please stay health and stay safe!
          best regards, teteh ✨


@ sweetlittlelie-s  SEMANGAT THORR