
this message may be offensive
I was in a market with my mother, talking about something, when she brought up Cocoa puffs(Nico di Angelo's kids) for some reason. (I do not have TSATS, but I do know about them) I pretended to be oblivious and asked her what they are. She went, "They're, umm... let me show you". She took me to a nearby bookstore and searched for a hardcover copy of TSATS (The way I got excited). The cashier was strangely dressed like Will Solace/Walker Scobell so I showed him Will on the cover. We were about to buy it, when I suddenly heard a loud crash from outside and a bang...
          	and I fucking woke up!! This was a real dream I just had this morning. Ain't no way in hell my mother's willingly gonna buy me a pjo book. I'm getting really delulu these days ig.
          	But I had this dream just before waking up in the morning, and it's a superstition in my country that dreams seen in the morning always come true so I'm currently hoping it happens! Pray for me lol!!


this message may be offensive
I was in a market with my mother, talking about something, when she brought up Cocoa puffs(Nico di Angelo's kids) for some reason. (I do not have TSATS, but I do know about them) I pretended to be oblivious and asked her what they are. She went, "They're, umm... let me show you". She took me to a nearby bookstore and searched for a hardcover copy of TSATS (The way I got excited). The cashier was strangely dressed like Will Solace/Walker Scobell so I showed him Will on the cover. We were about to buy it, when I suddenly heard a loud crash from outside and a bang...
          and I fucking woke up!! This was a real dream I just had this morning. Ain't no way in hell my mother's willingly gonna buy me a pjo book. I'm getting really delulu these days ig.
          But I had this dream just before waking up in the morning, and it's a superstition in my country that dreams seen in the morning always come true so I'm currently hoping it happens! Pray for me lol!!


Welcome to this random rant :)))
          Today my teacher came to school with a bad mood and lashed out on almost everyone.
          A little context tho- I am regarded as a good student in my class along with most of my friends. 
          So she gave us this essay to write in class and I was sitting with my friend so we were writing nonsense(more like creative genius tho) and one poor guy submitted his previous work and sh!t  went down.
          He hadn't given his copy for the majority of the semester and that lady scolded him and he got a beating with his own notebook. She then went around the whole room bench by bench and hit every student with their own notebooks, except our group of 6 girls cause we were 'good students' and submitted our h-w on time.(she literally praised us XD)
          Now the thing is, that 4 of my friends, the more studious ones, have actually done their work but me and the one I'm sitting with(she don't study and her name wasn't taken), haven't even done that subject's work since the start of the semester!!
          I haven't once given my copy and my teacher was claiming that I had and we were laughing and wheezing at her going on and on about me(and the others) and hitting the other kids! xDDD
          Idk how she got so delusional about me but we were just thinking, "If she comes to know..."!!!
          Yeah, that's it!


@sweetpea_rosemary138 guys are weird, I don’t understand why they keep saying those stuff to each other (ಠ_ಠ)
            Oh that school was weird, I realise it now since I go to one in “town” and everything I have gotten used to is seen as weird or out of place. 


@Uranusnothere Ok that's honestly disgusting! 
            And I thought our schools were bad, like the guys are shouting slurs at each other mostly(they just do it for fun tbh :/), and I've seen some pervy ones as well but no one's actually explicit with it!


I don’t think by the time you reply I’m going to be awake so have a nice day! (Or night in my case)


I was about to announce that the chapters are posted but you guys are quick !!
          Also not Wattpad showing me 50 reads which are my own preview reads


@sweetpea_rosemary138 oh lol
            Translate is always messing up names, it can’t even translate my brother’s name correctly—
            Nope only one!


@Uranusnothere OOmph I just thought u were being literal and said that cause my mother would never let me touch my laptop even an hour after waking up!
            Be careful using translate tho, the names here can get a lil weird. For ex: one of the characters name would mean 'anklet' in English but it's a pretty common name in my country.
            Also, did u get the other 2 chapter updates yesterday? I'm asking cause Wattpad is not showing other writers' chapter notifications to me!


I probably won’t, names are hard xD 
            But I can always use translate 