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I was in a market with my mother, talking about something, when she brought up Cocoa puffs(Nico di Angelo's kids) for some reason. (I do not have TSATS, but I do know about them) I pretended to be oblivious and asked her what they are. She went, "They're, umm... let me show you". She took me to a nearby bookstore and searched for a hardcover copy of TSATS (The way I got excited). The cashier was strangely dressed like Will Solace/Walker Scobell so I showed him Will on the cover. We were about to buy it, when I suddenly heard a loud crash from outside and a bang... and I fucking woke up!! This was a real dream I just had this morning. Ain't no way in hell my mother's willingly gonna buy me a pjo book. I'm getting really delulu these days ig. But I had this dream just before waking up in the morning, and it's a superstition in my country that dreams seen in the morning always come true so I'm currently hoping it happens! Pray for me lol!!