
Hi everyone! Thank you for all the amazing (and slightly frustrated^^) comments you keep sending me. They indicate dedication and I love that you care about my stories to this extent. I've been away from the wattpad-life for awhile but slowly trying to work my way back. After all... this was where everything started. Even though several years have past I will finish my ongoing stories. Don't worry. And for you who are still holding on to hope... thank you.  


It's been 3yrs girl, where are you? Anyway, I'm a big fan of your stories and hope to read more of it, so plsss come back. Anyway, hope you have a wonderful life ahead. And Happy New Year✨


@sweetspicekillers  We miss you, and I hope that if you do end up reading this that you know that you are an amazing person and hope that life is going well for you!


@sweetspicekillers  I hope to see your work soon and hope you have a wonderful life :)


          I hope you don’t mind this message. I know I can’t help you with your writing, but I still wanted to reach out because I admire your storytelling abilities. I read one of your stories, and I loved it! As a concept artist, I have many ideas for artwork that could complement your book. I hope to hear back from you soon!
          Karen Betts


has anyone been able to contact @sweetspicekillers through some other forum? I worry that we have "lost" such a wonderful author, and can only hope it is because life has been so good for them that they simply have no time to write. The conclusion to Matt's story, the apparent story for Lazarus and a certain "person of interest", what that could mean for Matt's family relationships, and even finding out how the brothers "just happened" to be hours from their home to "find" Ash are all intruiging 


Hi!! I love your books so much!! I always check to see if an update to Matt's story has been released!! No rush I just hope your doing okay and wanted to tell you how much I love your books! When you one day come around to writing more, just know I will be so happy and excited to see what happens next. Your an amazing author and deserve all the support and views!!


Author, I read ash's story first,then started to read Matt's. It's so cool.. it's high time you update it...please please give us atleast one update... feeling very much impatient..I hope you are doing well ♥️♥️