
I posted the first three parts to my new story “we’re not really strangers”!!! Read the first parts to see if it’s something you like:)


oh my gosh! Just watched the new episodes!!! I mean this can’t be real… the actual characters don’t talk to the screen so this has to be like one of jugheads books!!!


Yeah I have only watched the first episode so far but everyone’s saying it’s like a different universe sort of thing. If not I also think it could be jug’s book



hey guys:/ I need somewhere to rant. I just got the new my 3 year old french bulldog has cancer… he has six months to live. We got him when I was in 5th grade, I just finished 7th…. But I do believe everything happens for a reason, and Jesus will help us through this. Words still can’t explain how much I love and will continue to cherish my last moments with him. Okay bye. And Jesus loves and is here for you all. It is never to late to turn to god I love you guys


@sweetwaterstoriesx so sorry to hear that. Sending love and good vibes xx ♡