
Notification Gang: Chapter 31 of Discovering You has been posted. Enjoy.


It has been brought to my attention that you guys don't always receive notifications from Wattpad when I update. Because of this, I will try my best to announce when I have added to one of my books. 
          I will also use this as an announcement that sHe was updated a couple of days ago. and Discovering You was updated sometime last week. New One Shots are coming soon, along with updates for Discovering You and sHe. Thank you for reading and enjoying my things. 
          - Jes.


I wasnt notifed about she or the last discovering you chapterr! Thank u for posting!! ‍♀️‍♀️‍♀️‍♀️‍♀️


Hey, I had an idea for another book in the Most Wanted series if you were open to writing one. Basically, the kids want to go to a regular school and live somewhat of a regular life. After a ton of persuasion, the adults cave and let them go to a regular school or have an extracurricular or something. But then they see someone from their past and something mafia related happens. Just an idea, you don't have to write it. It's totally fine if you want to leave the series as it is. The Most Wanted series is one of my favorite so I just thought I'd share.


@TisthedamSwifty Most Wanted will not have another book added to the series. I thought about it, and I just don't have enough ideas for it. I will only be doing One Shots involving that series from here on out. You are free to leave me one-shot ideas for things you want to see that happened before or after what was written or if you want me to elaborate on something that was mentioned that I didn't go into detail with. but a whole new book for that verse just isn't in my muse at this moment.


because i live in the south, and it snowed here. I've been off from work all this week. in that time i have built trav's apartment and tree and lance's house (from discovering you) in the sims for my own personal entertainment as i see their places in my head. i haven't played sims in like 2 years, but opened it for this purpose only. I'm about to look up CC so that their rooms look exactly the way they're supposed to look as well. i have nothing else to do. send help. lmao


I have officially completed reposting Camp Discovery! It still breaks my heart that Wattpad decided to delete it, claiming it violated terms of service when it absolutely did not. They never returned any of my emails in regards to removing it either. Thank you all for being so patient with me as I reposted (and rewrote some of the missing parts) of this story. It was honestly one of my favorites when I originally completed it! Discovering You's big sister is done! You can enjoy her again! lol. 
          love you guys, be easy. 
          [new chapters of discovering you coming as they appear in my head. new one shots coming soon. new book also might be coming soon. bare with me. i go back to work Monday. lol]