Heyy guys... I'm back... I'm sry I haven't posted in like ever but I had some crap i had to deal with... U see my family moved from a nice suburban house to a farm out in the middle of no where... I had lived in my house for my entire life and I had great friends and doing great in school... I had to say goodbye to all of that and it was too hard for me to handle... So I stopped writing and felt like crap allll the time and I had to start a new school in the middle of the freaking year and for a long time I had no friends... But now I've found my place there... I hav a group of friends that are totes awesome and I'm doing well in school and my creativity came back so i started writing again... I decided to add somethings and change some things so my next upload (which I hope will be soon) will be stuff Ive already uploaded but I added a lot so it won't be boring to re-read haha... And once thats uploaded I'll start the one chapter at a time thing like b4... I hope u haven't lost faith in me yet haha
With Love
P.S. Thank u to all of u who kept sending me supportive messages... It really helped me get my ass into gear:)
it will be a year tomorrow and i hope u still think about your wattpad family, cause we still think about u. i love your story and still look foward to the next upload =)
yay!!!!! u are back!!!!!! i am soooooooooooooooooooooooooo haapy!!!!!!!oh god,in my HAPPINESS I FORGOT HOW TO spell happy.:D
thank u!!!! :D :) :) :) :D
Heyy guys... I'm back... I'm sry I haven't posted in like ever but I had some crap i had to deal with... U see my family moved from a nice suburban house to a farm out in the middle of no where... I had lived in my house for my entire life and I had great friends and doing great in school... I had to say goodbye to all of that and it was too hard for me to handle... So I stopped writing and felt like crap allll the time and I had to start a new school in the middle of the freaking year and for a long time I had no friends... But now I've found my place there... I hav a group of friends that are totes awesome and I'm doing well in school and my creativity came back so i started writing again... I decided to add somethings and change some things so my next upload (which I hope will be soon) will be stuff Ive already uploaded but I added a lot so it won't be boring to re-read haha... And once thats uploaded I'll start the one chapter at a time thing like b4... I hope u haven't lost faith in me yet haha
With Love
P.S. Thank u to all of u who kept sending me supportive messages... It really helped me get my ass into gear:)
e-mail the fans plz and tell us whats wrong. never know maybe we could help. and we know you still come on this site because you voted on something recent. plz tell us what's going on =)
pluz upload. i know u have been on here this yr 'cause of the last story u read. if something is going on plz tell us. we want to know. we, i would hate to lose u on wattpad. u a an amazing writing. so plz upload =)