
Sorry i haven't been on here for a while. My mom blocked my access to it on my phone, and I don't go on y family's computer that often. I hope to rejoin soon. Have a merry chirstmas or whatever you celebrate, and happy new year!


@swimmer3mo that's okay, hope you get access again, and have happy holidays and a happy new year as well.


This was posted on my conversation wall and it said to send it to everyone I care about and so I'm sending it to all my known readers because I care about you and love that you read my stories :)
          Read it all.
          I mean it.
          If you were killed, I wouldn’t be at your funeral.
          I would be in jail for killing the person who killed you.
          We are true friends
          We ride together, we die together.
          Send this to everybody you care about, including me, if you care.
          See how many times you get this.


Sorry i haven't been on here for a while. My mom blocked my access to it on my phone, and I don't go on y family's computer that often. I hope to rejoin soon. Have a merry chirstmas or whatever you celebrate, and happy new year!


@swimmer3mo that's okay, hope you get access again, and have happy holidays and a happy new year as well.