I'm sitting on a chapter right now from James's pov and I wanted the next chapter to be from someone else's pov but something is about to happen with only James there and I DON'T KNOW HOW TO WRITE IT FROM SOMEONE ELSES POV but the chapter is already so long. I really just wanna post it but what do I do
@swear_im_not_insane Yes! Thank you for asking! Due to setbacks (school and such) the release date it going to be postponed for a while. But I will make sure to post when I have a good idea of when I can release it. I've written 8 chapters already but they need a LOT of editing first.
Posting the first two chapters of my new story "September" on Aug. 31st! So excited to finally share this! Make sure to tune in to the first two chapters, and check out the description this Sunday! Thank you! -SkylaWrites