hello!! welcome to today's bLog pOSt today we gonna be talking about my favorite songs and artists atm because sis, everyoNE wants the tea on thatt
-b i l l i e e l i s h
yo this baby grill is amazing and her music is too! some of my favs from her rn are probs hostage and watCh and shes gOing on ToUR
- h a l s e y
became lowkey obsessed with her over vacation cuz asdfghjk shes so talented!! favs are basically bad @ love and sorry probably
- h a y l e y k i o y o k o
- shessuchanicon and i loovee girls like girls and sleepover!!
and the last one..
drumroll plz sweatyy!!1!
ok that was shister swirlelles bloG for todAy which I will nEver do agAin bye gUys or should i say bye gus