
...umm.......someone I follow just disappeared off the face of the earth......:(


In my class, everyone made a google form with questions like 'what is your favourite dessert' or 'what's your favourite video game' and my teacher posts them in the classroom and everyone does everyone elses 'quiz'. I did 'what's your favourite book?' and 2 of the choices were Harry Potter and Percy Jackson, there was also another option if you didn't like any of those books...3 people picked Percy Jackson and 4 people picked Harry Potter. I have a quest to find them and befriend them. You can see the chart in my all about me book.


@swordsvswands yesssss befriend themmmm


It wouldn't work, it is not posted in the book.


I had the most hilarious among us conversation ever today, so I entered an among us room that only had 1 person in it and they said
          'can I have your number'  and I said
          Then they said 'r u a boy or girl' so I sent 
          'why did you assume I was a boy or girl, I could be non-binary'
          lol, they left.


And btw I don’t mean to in insult any non-binary people reading this this was truly what happened and I sincerely hope that no one thinks I was trying to hurt there feelings in any way.


Oh...my...gods.... just went over some work with my teacher and I swear whenever he said my name I tensed. My brain was like 'help me'. I was so scared. I am lucky I was online because if he saw me in real life I would have been stuttering like crazy. I think I held my breath for the whole thing.


@swordsvswands oooooooooof I feel youuuu