.. have you ever considered it?

@siegeofwaves || “ no .. ” ( she melted into his touch, eyes falling shut as her head fell against his chest. the only times she could ever think she’d come close to was once when she left, and .. their fight. but that was is. and she hadn’t been nearly as cruel as her mother would have, and she didn’t cross the limit she’d set for herself. she wondered if her fear of turning into her mother would ever leave, or if it would only strengthen, as it had up until this point. )

“oh, baby,” he says, pressing close and wrapping an arm around her, his hand coming up behind her head to bring her in close to him. he’s warm natured, skin emitting heat like a small furnace. “it just.. is. it shows in different ways. have you ever treated anyone— family or friend or /anyone/ like your mother treated you?” he asks, certain of what the answer will be. rue felt as though he shouldn’t of broached the subject, but he didn’t regret it.