
The fact that i made this account 5 whole years ago… makes me feel so old oh my gosh. I’m only 17 *cries*


Any tips for subliminal use please?


ofc :) sorry for late response!! 
            •always listen with positive energies and intentions, it helps you feel better about results coming, even if its a slow process!
            • you dont necessarily need to use boosters or headphones or even drink water like a lot of subliminals will suggest. simply listening to it while youre sleeping or just a few times a day will be enough to set into your subconscious that changes need to be made! 
            • i find that meditating reallly helps. not just with results, but with focusing on what it is that i really want.
            • for channels, i highly recommend listening to baejin cafe, rosemary subliminals, cajel vedas, and kapelsu. they use really positive, high energy, and exaggerated affirmations to assure fast results, they’re amazing. 
            • most important tip of all, be consistent! listening a few times for just one or two days isn’t gonna do anything, you need to listen for a good amount, every day until you feel like you are satisfied with the results you have gotten. some may take months, years, or maybe a few days! it all depends on YOU. 
            • another big thing is to not obsess over getting results. for example, if you listen to something to change the color of your eyes, dont constantly look in the mirror to see if the color is changing. its only going to set your expectations and energies lower all because you’re not seeing any changes right away. just go on with life like normal and it will surprise you :)  
            thats about all i can think about but if you have anymore questions, feel free to ask! ^^ 


Do i have any anime fan followers ?? Pls- if you know haikyuu, i just finished In Another Life (which is a bokuaka ff) and i'm quite literally BAWLING my eyes out right now. My eyes are just showering okaY-
          Even if you don't watch anime and don't know what haikyuu is about- read this book bc it's so sad agghhbhsbdbs


@sxftblvsh in another life brings me so much pain i cant 