
@MiaCat: ahhha thanks so much used to hate it but now it kinda suites me. (air head =) i just logged on and saw your message and read your stories and their great  


Hey there, Skye, I know these are annoying but can you pretty please with a batty on top read either of my stories "On The Brink" or "He's A Stuck-Up Wannabe Singer. Unfortunately, I'm His Bodyguard. So WHY The Sudden Feelings?!?!"? I promise to you, they're not that long. Please comment, vote, and maybe fan? O.o 
          So you deserve a big icecream sundae with sprinkles and gummi bears on top for listening to me! :D
          Thanks! Raven <3
          P.S. South Africa? How was the World Cup?! Was it jam-packed!? ^^


ugggh! so i worte this nice long friendly msg and my stupid laptop blanked out...!!!
          well thank u a million for reading some of my stuff =D... n air heads are the best coz they have the best imaginations possible , so let me say air heads rule! hahah... >_O , am i making sense whatsoever? 
          so where u from in South Africa... everbin in the wild! have u seen a tiger up close O_O.. i love animals sorry...
          well jst maiing conversation so w/b to me when ur free alright >_<
          tc, much kuv n candy to ya
          MiaCat xxx


Lol , well i love the msg u left me.. hehe , but what do u love >_< , lol. i love u atm for leaving the lovely msg... =D
          too much love in that sentence haha... did i evr talk 2 u before cz i must say i like the name skye soooo much >D. i have a knack for names =).
          MiaCat xxxx