
Hello everyone. Sorry for not updating much. Its been a heck of 2024/2025. 
          	Needless to say, in October I had to put down my childhood pet dog because if old age and I was in the room while he was there and it was really hard for the past 2 months. Then my other childhood pet cat passed away several days ago and it's hitting.
          	But I'm back now and you guys will see me post more


Hello everyone. Sorry for not updating much. Its been a heck of 2024/2025. 
          Needless to say, in October I had to put down my childhood pet dog because if old age and I was in the room while he was there and it was really hard for the past 2 months. Then my other childhood pet cat passed away several days ago and it's hitting.
          But I'm back now and you guys will see me post more


Hello my darlings, 
          I have returned from vacation and I am EXHAUSTED.
          This jet lag is really something but I have written down everything that I’m going to write for BOTH stories. Looks like both of the boys have really been keeping me on my toes while I relaxed on my vacay. I’ll post them both soon❤️


Hello everyone,
          I went to apologize for my disappearence. I'm on vacation and I'm working on these stories without my computer. I'll return soon but right now, I really need this and most importantly, to let you know to not lose hope on not posting. They're both being edited as I speak. 
          I promise to keep you updated. Again thank you for your patience <3


@sydney-amazing ok don't worry i will wait❤❤❤