
I'm sorry I haven't been posting at all lately.. I've been busy with volleyball and then when it ended I got slammed with homework and I just haven't really had a chance to update the story lately, I'm sorry.. If you were reading it, I'll be posting in the next day or two so I'll be updating soon!! Sorry again, I'll be back pretty soon!♡


I'm sorry I haven't been posting at all lately.. I've been busy with volleyball and then when it ended I got slammed with homework and I just haven't really had a chance to update the story lately, I'm sorry.. If you were reading it, I'll be posting in the next day or two so I'll be updating soon!! Sorry again, I'll be back pretty soon!♡


Hey, sorry I haven't been posting lately. I haven't had my tablet for a while because it broke, but now I have a phone, so I'll be updating "The Story of Us" quite often.. Leave any comments on my story about mistakes, or on the last chapter some new suggestions for the next if you have anything! Thanks, bye!