
Hey Guys, sooo I havent posted in forever so I will asap!!


Hey guys! So, my computer is back up and running and ya'll are probably super duper mad at me for not writing in FOREVER. But the wifi is working finally, sigh. So, I will be updating a lot more. Are you team Rianna? Cian? Tell me in the comments!


Hey guys, so I'm going to try to update soon, thank you my followers your amazing and I can't even begin to mention how thankful I am for my couple people who comment on my story! I would rather have you three than any one else. Love you guys! 


@DebbieBowen Thanks! Yea, I really like the second chapter and so far its coming along good. I am going to update probably tomorrow so I can't wait for your feedback. By the way, don't hesitate to tell me if your think I could add something to make it better, I love people giving me pointers!