
OMMMMGGGGG *o* I only noticed now thAt I had 5 accounts here on Wattpad plus this official one making it 6 fcckkkk woooowww 


I'm really freaking happy today! Gosh I cannot contain my happine-
          Jack: She's really happy because she got to be the Editor-in-chief on their news headline. Yup! That all. You can go home now. 
          Geez! Jackson. You're such an arse today. And yes, even though that's only my news. But like freaking seriously! I like writing and all. I have stories that were never publish because of shyness. But I REALLY, REALLY want that part ever since. I GOT TO BE THE EDITOR-IN-CHIEF! YAAAYYYY!!!!!
          Blaze: Well, I'm ready proud of you, Cryssi 
          WELL thanks Blazey! Good thing someone appreciate me and my stuffs *sticks out tongue and glares at Jack*
          Jack: K, Sure.. 
          *glares* you know how I HATE that letter/Word Jackson, I'm warning you. 
          Jack: *leaves*
          *rolls eyes* Arse. I just finished my birthday. What happened to him? 
          Blaze: *shrugs* Maybe he and Elsie broke up.
          Maybe. Poor poor Jackie Poo. Ναη! Ξθστ ξοκινγ ηεηεηεηεηε..
          Blaze: *laughs* υοθ ψρθελ λιττλε δεωιλ λιττλε ςιντερ  πρινψεσσ
          Shut up..


December 7, 2016
          That was the date that the Queen of Teasing was born. A sister of the Pranking King or mainly known as the Winter Spirit. We are always close to each other. Some might say that we're twins, some say that she's a female version of me. 
          Cunning like a true Slytherin, Reckless and Bold like a true B-Shot, and Mischievous and Funny like me. She always looked up to me, and I do the same to her. She's a wild card. A Queen of Teasing, she got that title because she's really good at teasing and blackmailing. She can make you furious and blushing at the same time. 
          We've been through a lot, an unhealthy relationship with our mother, but we got trough It, seen"t you proud of that? Even the gods can't feel you down, even if you've been cursed or have a mission, you still have that wonderful smile at your face, even if it's a fake one or a real one. But we all prefer the real one.
          I am really thankful to be your brother, Cryssi. May you have a wonderful, blast birthday. Don't let the gods interfere your happiness. I love you Crystal. 
          Yours Truly,
          Winter Spirit (Jack and the others)


What is up guys? I've miss you all-... *got a notification on my Wattpad* Wait a minute, kaping mainit. I need to see this first, okay? Okay. *gets phone and clicks on Wattpad* 
          Hmm... *sees my Wattapd profile that has 150 followers* *got shocks* guys, really?! Thank you, thank you thank you guys! Aww guys. You're the best. 
          Jack: What's with on the voice sis? *comes in*
          Dude! I got 150 followers on Wattpad! It's not much, but 150 people follow you?! Its really insane.
          Jack: Really eh? Ok then. Go party or something, just be back before midnight. *turns to leave* invite Blaze with ya'. *leaves*
          *rolls eyes* I sometimes wish he's more responsible. Anyways, thank you guys, really. 