December 7, 2016
That was the date that the Queen of Teasing was born. A sister of the Pranking King or mainly known as the Winter Spirit. We are always close to each other. Some might say that we're twins, some say that she's a female version of me.
Cunning like a true Slytherin, Reckless and Bold like a true B-Shot, and Mischievous and Funny like me. She always looked up to me, and I do the same to her. She's a wild card. A Queen of Teasing, she got that title because she's really good at teasing and blackmailing. She can make you furious and blushing at the same time.
We've been through a lot, an unhealthy relationship with our mother, but we got trough It, seen"t you proud of that? Even the gods can't feel you down, even if you've been cursed or have a mission, you still have that wonderful smile at your face, even if it's a fake one or a real one. But we all prefer the real one.
I am really thankful to be your brother, Cryssi. May you have a wonderful, blast birthday. Don't let the gods interfere your happiness. I love you Crystal.
Yours Truly,
Winter Spirit (Jack and the others)