Your name is NIKKI CHUA. You are FIFTEEN YEARS OLD. You were born under the constellation SAGITTARIUS♐, and an OX of the Eastern zodiacs. Your interests include HOMESTUCK, HARRY POTTER, and SUPERNATURAL, among many others. You may be classified as a FANGIRL. You have TUMBLR, TWITTER, and FACEBOOK accounts, all of which you actively use as outlets for your thoughts. Your hobbies include reading (from encyclopedias to fiction books), browsing, fangirling, and talking to your friends over the internet. You love to SING and would love to WRITE, but you are unfortunately not gifted with enough determination and talent to pursue careers concerning either activity. You would rather be a PSYCHOLOGIST or a THERAPIST, fascinated as you are with human emotions and logic. But lately you've been thinking about beeing a PEDIATRICIAN. You like scorching hot men, such as JENSEN ACKLES, DANIEL RADCLIFFE, TOM HIDDLESTON and, especially, ANDREW HUSSIE. God, you sure love ANDREW HUSSIE.


Anyway. You prefer to use usernames like: themightywaffle, sylphofbreath, wafuruuu, and others you might come up with that you think may be funny or clever. You tend to talk and type in a way that makes you look like a huge tool full of awkwardness and sass, which you totally are, but that's not the point.

What will you do?

-> Write something amazing.

You would love to, but you can't.

->Be productive.


-> Read homoerotic wizard fanfiction.

  • Earth
  • JoinedNovember 28, 2012


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