
Hope to be back soon. Thank you for your patience.


I'm sorry I haven't written in so long! Things have been hard lately with family drama and preparation for the AP tests these last 2 weeks. I hope to be back to a semi-regular schedule and at least update once a week and maybe start on that fanfiction I mentioned last month. Thank you to either of/or my 2 followers that read this!


Sorry this last update is a day late! I had work and then homework and then I just passed out. I'm really going to try hard to keep my schedule of updating After every Monday, but if I can't, I definitely will post on Tuesday! Also, I don't know how many people are going to read this, but I'm thinking of starting a fanfiction in a few weeks. I don't know what kind yet, possibly a Youtube or Doctor Who fanfiction. Is anyone down for that?