hi bestie , 
          I want you to know that you are an amazing friend , til death and forever. 
          If I don't get this back I understand 
          Once you get this letter , you must send this to 15 people that are you friends , including me ( if you see me as a friend.) 
          If you get 3 of these letters back , lemme tell you that you are loved. 
          Nobody knows how important something is until they lose it. 
          Tonight right at 12 pm , the person you love will realise they love you. 
          Then, at 1pm to 2pm get ready for a shock of your life. 
          Sadly , if you break this chain you will have bad luck. 
          With love, send this to 15 people 
          If you don't you will turn ugly in one year 
          A friend told me to pass this , so pass it on! 
          Tommorow 2 boys/girls will ask me if they can have your number 
          Send this to 15 nice people or bad luck starts for a whole year! 
          [ Delete the notes when you send this to others including this one ] 
          yoww syakirah hehe ni arfie nii :) hehe thanksss sbb sudi jadi kwn titew >< and sorry jugak kalau ad annoyed awak ngan perangai tah pape :( windu ah nk gossip2 pepagi :'( hiks apepun always remember that I OBEEE YOUUU SO MUCHHH <333


@jeonko_okz  omo >< hiksss <3333


@CHAMBEREUN_ AAWWW titeww unn winduww nk gossip ngn awk, winduww nk wat keje sesama, maen game patu gelak x igt dunia... i really miss all that thing.....i hope u doing well right now n i hope we meet soon,,,,,your the best friend i've ever meet❤️✨ tq jugk sbb sudi kawan ngn kite dri kite start sklh kt SIGS you always there by my side to hear my problem and support me,,,i really apprieciated that amd one more thing don't ever thing you're annoyed to me cause we have our own crazy thing...haha even me don't understand what i'm saying sorry also always be confident amd believe in yourself okeyh hurmm that's all for now sbb rase nye dh cukup panjang dh tu...haha { i lobee you too ma lovely fwiend❣️ }