Hi everyone x During quarantine, I decided to write a fan fiction. I logged back into my Wattpad account that I created in 2013 (damn), archived my old one direction fan fiction, and started to franticly scribble plot ideas, character names and new spells on anything and everything I could get my hands on. After putting myself on a strict schedule of writing at least 3,000 words a day (a chapter an evening), I believe I wrote Prohibition in just under two months. Since then, I’ve moved countries once, cities twice, got a master's, a job, and much much more. Although all of those things are wonderful, I’ve unfortunately had wayyyy less time to write. Which is why I still haven’t posted a Prohibition sequel and paused my AR story. I tried to start a one shots/promps book based on AR characters, but being completely transparent since I didn’t receive any requests for it (which is totally understandable), it set me back with getting back into writing even more. I could never imagine the amount of love I would receive by putting my stories out there. Know that every single one of your comments lights up my day every time I get a notification x I wanted to let all of you know that I am working hard on finding time to continue my AR story and finally publish a Prohibition sequel which I am very excited about. Rest assured that I plan to respond to all your comments soon (; and return to a somewhat consistent posting schedule. Thank you so much to everyone for all your support and the love you’ve shown me. I truly appreciate it and can’t wait to see what new thoughts and funky comments you’ll have for my new writing. Thank you truly x Love, T.
Holy!! Omg, I’ve read Prohibition like four times. It’s my favorite. So happy to see this update!