they say the first break up, love of your life is hard, as well as what life endures. Ive experienced so much in my short 20 years of life. So much have i learned. both good and bad. Am i certain I've made the right descion no I'm not. but looking forward giving the time to myself to get my head around everything going on in my life, i know that what ever may happen i will make it through. In this present time i have my good and bad days dwelling in so much i guess self pity. I have never felt like this before and it is hard. My emotions are such a roller coaster, my life is such a roller coaster. So much is happening all of it out of my control. As each day goes though i gain a little piece back a little more control. more confidence in the decisions i am making. No one can tell you what to do. no one can make decisions for yourself. i have learned that before anyone else you should be seeking happiness in yourself before anyone else. Acceptance of reality is the key. yes it may hurt but what is life without any form of lesson? how do you grow as a person and move forward in order to make life happy and yours. It is the only way in escaping the darkness of ones mind and world. Surround yourself with positiveness and look at the little joys within your life and in time things will become lighter.