
;; anyone wanna rp dbd?


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          they were not about to give up 20$ over this shot ! and she wasn’t about to let this bitch insult her dog . ❝ don’t fucking call her stupid ❞ that was the last straw , zoe visibly loosened the leach although still held on , just to give a scare , and scarlet of course tried to bite . keyword , / try / . but it almost seemed as if . . . she couldn’t ? despite being clearly in range , the dogs jaw never made contact and instead seemed to go right through . ❝ what the hell . . ? ❞


          that reaction surprised zoe but they weren’t about to let that show . ❝ make . me ❞ hand still loosely holding the leash as she glared at the other . zoey wasn’t about to give up 20$ for a stupid picture book filled with dumb celebrity gossip ! not to mention their dog scarlet was / usually / well behaved but . . . something about this stranger must’ve been off . . .


          ❝ little bitch ? ❞ zoey purposely loosened her grip on the leash , letting her dog lunge at the stranger although not close enough to actually touch them . ❝ why don’t / you / listen here ? apologize or that magazine isn’t the only thing that’s gonna be teared apart today ❞ zoe spat


          ❝ i’d say you’re lucky it wasn’t your / bloody / face ❞ zoey snapped back in a mocking tone at the british term , glancing down at the ruined magazine . whoever this was got zoe on a really bad day , they didn’t appreciate her dog being called stupid either . the doberman seemed to pick up on the aggression and let out a low growl at the stranger , some paper bits still on it’s muzzle