
Hello peeps!
          	I've started reading all the books in my Wattpad library that are chilling in there because the author recently updated (as opposed to my new ones) entirely on the basis of being irrationally angry at how many I have.
          	Yes, I am now angry at books for no other reason than I don't like how much time it takes to scroll through my library.
          	Just an update into the wild and crazy world of my mind.
          	P.S.  College is going well so far, and I only allow myself to use my phone after my homework is done, so don't stress about my work habits.  I'm staying on top of stuff so far.


Hello peeps!
          I've started reading all the books in my Wattpad library that are chilling in there because the author recently updated (as opposed to my new ones) entirely on the basis of being irrationally angry at how many I have.
          Yes, I am now angry at books for no other reason than I don't like how much time it takes to scroll through my library.
          Just an update into the wild and crazy world of my mind.
          P.S.  College is going well so far, and I only allow myself to use my phone after my homework is done, so don't stress about my work habits.  I'm staying on top of stuff so far.


Hey all!
          Exciting news!  I move into my freshman dorm at college TOMORROW!  What that unfortunately means for you is that I no longer have any time to read or write.  Yes, I know none of my stories are published right now, but that doesn't mean I'm not trying to fix the really awful ones, or add to the others, with the goal of one day being confident enough again to share them.
          Speaking of college and reading . . .
          Up until today I had been handling the stress and anxiety of this change very well, despite both my dad and twin brother both going completely insane. (Dad is losing his children-the way he's carrying on you'd swear its like we are dying, and my brother is an anxious mess of nerves and what-ifs).  I have been very calm and level-headed, and haven't done anything irrational like pack and unpack my suitcase 37 times (at last count.  Its probably more by now.)
          But just this morning I 'snapped".  My brain said, you know what I need?  What will really help me de-stress?  Books.  I am going on a book binge.
          I just added 20 stories to my already very large wattpad library, 12 (free or freemium) to my Radish library, and I bought 6 books for my Kindle.  I added another 47 books to my Amazon wishlist too.  And I still have the desire to keep looking for more.  The monster has been unleashed, and it will not go quietly back into its cage.  If you are looking for me, you will probably find me buried up to my neck in books.  Oh well.


Hey Folks!
          So I was going through my drafts a few minutes ago, thinking about writing something.  Just in the mood to, you know?  And I see this draft called Clueless.  I don't remember starting it, but I think it sounds interesting, and once I reread what I have I can normally pick up on what my initial plan was with my drafts.
          So I open it.  And now I'm wondering what drugs I was on that I thought I'd be able to remember whatever plot I had planned with what I wrote.
          Because right now the title is the word "Clueless", the description is the word mates, and the first segment is called Middle and just has the name Emily typed into it.  That's it. That's all I wrote, somehow thinking when I looked back on it I'd remember it.  The only thing that I can piece together from that is that whatever the idea was, it happened in roughly the middle of the story.
          I'm sharing this with you because I find this incredibly funny that I have absolutely no clue what I was thinking.  (I'm clueless about Clueless, lol)
          Anyway, I thought you folks might enjoy this sneak peek inside my head.  See ya!  :-)


Hi Everyone.
          So, you may have noticed all but one of my stories have disappeared.  There isn't anything wrong with your device or Wattpad.  I have intentionally unpublished all of them.  There are many reasons why, but it boils down to the fact that I was never comfortable publishing them in the first place.  I started writing because I had too many ideas in my head and I needed to put them down somewhere.  I never really intended to finish any of them.  The Wattpad app simply provided an always accessible place to write with easy-to-use formatting.  I wrote for me, and one day while talking to a friend who is also on Wattpad about an idea I'd had, they convinced me to publish it here.  I was reluctant, and immediately regretted hitting the publish button, but felt that I couldn't take it back.  From there it was easy for them to convince me to publish the rest, but as you could probably guess from my lack of updates, my heart wasn't really in continuing anything I started.
          I'm sorry if you really liked what I had up, but  I can't stand the thought of people reading what I've written any longer.  Maybe one day I'll be comfortable enough with my own writing to put it back up, but for the time being I'm going to stick to keeping it to myself.
          Thanks for your understanding, and your support of what I had done even when I didn't support it.  If you want the detailed list of my reasoning, or just to talk, private message me.  I'll still be on Wattpad, just not writing anymore.


Hello Peeps!!  (Part 2)
          . . .
          It doesn't help that the year before we yelled "It's a double rainbow, man" every time something unexpected happened because we saw at ten second clip of it once for one unit (and still yell it this year occasionally), compared schools to prison and decided that prison had nicer benefits, or frequently lobbied for field trips "Chris McCandless-style" (read Into The Wild and you'll understand).  We also mock the economy, the American political climate, the American dream, and our own backgrounds, not just the things we read for class.  All our teachers claim they hate us for it, but they all laugh at the awful jokes, so they must not hate it too much.


Hey Peeps of the World!  (Part 1 because it's long)
          First off, Happy Easter!  I hope you all had a great holiday.
          Now on to what's on my brain.  My AP Literature and Composition class is both tiny and bizzare.  We are frequently coming up with strange new catchphrases and things to discuss, as well as being all-around weridos.  Early this year we read A Modest Proposal by Jonathan Swift.  If you have ever read it, you are aware it is satire at its finest and awful suggestion.  Well, my class decided that what Swift suggested people eat needed it's own name, as when we eat cows we don't call it cow but beef, same as pig meat is generally called pork.  So we announced that Swift's substance would henceforth by called falxe.  If you haven't read A Modest Proposal, look it up.  Horrible people will find it hilarious, nice people will be aghast.  So my twin brother and I are making our little brother ask our teacher (she teaches the AP Lit and Comp class and the freshman honors English class) what her favorite type of falxe is.  We can't wait to hear his reaction when he finds out what it is.  Our class really are horrible people though.
          We have named the monster Dr. Frankentein created Phil, called Dorian Gray Dorian Gay, thought Macduff was going to punt Macbeth's head, yell "What, you egg!" as an insult (we really enjoyed Macbeth), compared the song "Aqualung" to the character Soaphead Church in the novel The Bluest Eye, and wrote "Feeling like a dead duck" on the white board.
          Our teacher has given up on us as incorrigible.


Hello World!
          Following the last question of my sanity post, I figured I could at least give you an update​ on this since as you all know I'm not updating anything else at the moment.
          I swear, I'm working on a lot of stuff in my drafts, I just don't hate it little enough to post it yet.
          But, on to sanity . . .  So I'm reading this legitimately published book series, and in the most recent book the one character is rumored to be the direct inspiration for Beowulf.  (He's a super ancient werewolf who speaks and can sing a few dead languages, and we know had an awful, violent, bloody past, so not a major plot twist).  But my mom reads this series too and I've never read Beowulf, so I asked her to explain the allusion they were making here since it seems just about everyone on the planet read Beowulf in high school English but me.
          Her response was to read it myself and I am now unreasonably salty that because I took a more advanced English class I'm missing out of a seemingly huge part of culture.  Basically I want to have to read Beowulf in school, which my family claims is insane.
          Thoughts?  And if anyone can message me or comment here on the plot of Beowulf, that'd be incredible.  Thanks!


More evidence for my family to claim I'm crazy!
          We got out of school early today, and it's a really nice day, so I decided to read outside.  We have this swing thing, and I was on it for a while but then I got bored.
          So I climbed a tree, found a nice seat, and am reading up in the tree.  It's very nice, I like it much better than the swing.  My brother is bit worried though, since I'm a clutz and ten feet in the air balanced on a tree branch.  So I'm curious, how many of you think this sounds like a nice way to read?  It's Ok if you think I'm crazy too, I don't mind.
          Posting to you live from in a tree- Lydia. :-)


Hey all!
          So most of you don't know, but I have the touch of death for stuff.  As in I have broken tons of "indestructible" things.  Also killed many plants.  Adding to my list of stuff I broke but I don't know how it happened but it did- I have somehow managed to break a piece off of my OtterBox.  It's not small either.  I was just walking around with my phone in my pocket and suddenly felt like something was stabbing me in the leg.  I pull out my phone and the case is missing a chunk.  Stick my hand in my pocket where I'm being stabbed and pull out the broken bit.  A serious "WTF, how did I do this?!" moment for me.
          If anyone is interested I can post a full list of things I've accidentally broken that it shouldn't be possible to break on here as well.  Just reply to this or whatever if you want to see the extensive list.  It's huge, I'm warning you now.  :-)
          Good night everyone.