
Hi, just wanted to let you know you are an amazing writer. A lot of writers even with different stories their writing and characters ends up same every time, and gets boring to read that. But in each of your stories you would capture the same characters in a different way and all your stories are so different from one another and so amazing to read. Hope I can read more of your stories one day. 


@Razorllama it's because none of the stories are theirs. This person just post stories of other talented authors from ao3.


Hello~sorry for the inconvenience angel~I wanted to ask you if I could translate your fanfic "Ocean eyes" into Portuguese?
            I thought your work was amazing and I wish people back home could read it!
            If you allow me I will do it this way!
            •I will put your profile name at the beginning of the chapter, giving credit for the work!
            •I will not change anything in the translated work.
            If you are interested, I will be looking forward to you!   And if you don't, say no!   Thank you in advance for your great attention!!