
          Hi May I have a Percy Jackson One-Shot please
          Character: Percy Jackson
          Extra: Luke likes Y/n and is jealous of her and Percy's relationship and want's Y/n to himself
          Plot: Y/n the Daughter of Hestia was Percy's girlfriend and friends with Annabeth & Grover.
          On the way to her date with Percy, Y/n ran into Luke where he found a way of hypnotising Y/n to fall in love with him instead and when Annabeth, Grover and Percy spot Y/n hanging around Luke all the time instead of Percy.
          They realise something is up and they plan to sneak into the Hermes Cabin where they find Y/n staying the night and wake her up to get her away from Luke but Y/n screams for Luke's help waking him up and a fight starts between Percy and Luke, Y/n telling Luke to be carful, but while Grover is holding Y/n down Annabeth notices Y/n's eyes are glowing a different colour asking Grover what's wrong with her with Grover realise Y/n's under hypnosis, So they try to figure out how to break her free, until Percy wins the sword fight, with Luke running away and grover notices Y/n's eyes changing back to normal with her then fainting, So they took Y/n back to Percy's Cabin.
          When Y/n finally wakes up her memory is foggy not knowing what was going on, Percy, Grover and Annabeth explained that she was in love with Luke and spent nights with him because he hypnotised her, making Y/n gross out getting up to hug Percy, Thanking them all for rescuing her, telling Percy he is the only one she would ever love giving him a kiss, but since it was near morning all of them spent the rest of the morning watching the sunrise with Y/n and Percy holding hands telling each other I love you with all my heart.
          (Sorry it's long you don't have to use all of that if you don't want to i just wanted to share all the info so you got the aim i was going for)
          I Would Love to Read This, Hope You Like It And Can Do It :):):):)


Super adorable profile love! 
          Thank you for adding Delenda to your reading list sweet. Make sure to read Undeify before it if you haven't to get more context and insight upon the events. Votes and comments are appreciated. Make sure to drink water while reading, stay hydrated. 
          Happy reading xx