Does anyone know of any Mullette fics that are like, either mainly Mullette or only Mullette? Like, don't get me wrong I love Lams with side Mullette but like. Is there any just Mullette?
My guys.... N9 9ffence 6ut fuck Lapid9t. I despise that ship with every fi6er 9f my 6eing. And I can't search up anything SU related with9ut seeing it. It's unav9ida6le and I think thats a main part of why I dislike it s9 much.
and als9 g9d awful Kinfeels(tm) make me despise Pearlm//ethyst. I hate it s9 much and it surprises me h9w many ships I enj9y and h9w ridicl9us s9me 9f them are but Lapid9t? N9pe. Pearl//methyst?? N9t in a milli9n years fucker