Bro please just check in every now and again :( It scares me when authors go MIA.
Reading Lists
Hey everyone! I'd like to begin by saying that everyone of you has all my love and gratitude for your investment and enjoyment of my works. The stories I tell have always been meant to serve two purposes: creating a wonderful world that I enjoy, and sharing that world with others. Before I go any further, I owe everyone two things: an apology and an explanation. I am deeply sorry that I have been absent without explanation for all of these years. Not only that, I am sorry that I've left so many eager and excited readers clamoring for a new chapter that still hasn't come. As for why; the truth is that I underestimated the sheer time investment required by a degree in a Medical Science. These last few years have been an endless grind and slog that has taken much of my waking hours. As such, I found it nigh impossible to squeeze in the extensive time commitment required to continue writing my books. As I often tell classmates, I have truly and utterly abandoned all of my hobbies since entering my Veterinary School, with the exception of weight training... which I only manage to do by squeezing in an hour at the gym at 4am before school commences. Video games have always been a huge passion if mine, but my time with those has nigh on vanished as well. (1/5)
@kydhype Great to see that you're still around despite the fact that I left without warning, and I do hope the future of Zephyr is one you can enjoy. If you didn't see them, there are four more parts to this update, but an important takeaway is that it will still be months before Zephyr continues. However when it does occur, I hope that it meets your expectations. And yes, I do have plans for other stories set in the same world. You may just find that there are already plans set for short stories featuring major side characters in the current story, starring in their own adventures
It's been years when I started the zephyr saga and when it abruptly stopped it was agonizing. I'm used to having the authors taking breaks every now and then that took months but years passed. I was actually genuinely worried if something bad had happened and through the years I've been waiting with my hopes up that this story would continue and was even expecting it to be a published book that I stumble upon someday and it'll be the next big screen adaptation. I even feared reading your other works in thinking that it might be another major cliffhanger and I only started to read back here again just by sheer boredom. As I reread one of my favorites here and was not expecting this epic comeback, I almost dropped my phone lol. I'll be doing my own rereading of zephyr and will wait for the next updates. Will be here until this ends and or even expand to sequels/prequels. Welcome back!!
Bro please just check in every now and again :( It scares me when authors go MIA.
Oi oi oi, are my eyes deceiving me ? Is that the return of the king o' wattpad ?
Hey everyone! I'd like to begin by saying that everyone of you has all my love and gratitude for your investment and enjoyment of my works. The stories I tell have always been meant to serve two purposes: creating a wonderful world that I enjoy, and sharing that world with others. Before I go any further, I owe everyone two things: an apology and an explanation. I am deeply sorry that I have been absent without explanation for all of these years. Not only that, I am sorry that I've left so many eager and excited readers clamoring for a new chapter that still hasn't come. As for why; the truth is that I underestimated the sheer time investment required by a degree in a Medical Science. These last few years have been an endless grind and slog that has taken much of my waking hours. As such, I found it nigh impossible to squeeze in the extensive time commitment required to continue writing my books. As I often tell classmates, I have truly and utterly abandoned all of my hobbies since entering my Veterinary School, with the exception of weight training... which I only manage to do by squeezing in an hour at the gym at 4am before school commences. Video games have always been a huge passion if mine, but my time with those has nigh on vanished as well. (1/5)
@kydhype Great to see that you're still around despite the fact that I left without warning, and I do hope the future of Zephyr is one you can enjoy. If you didn't see them, there are four more parts to this update, but an important takeaway is that it will still be months before Zephyr continues. However when it does occur, I hope that it meets your expectations. And yes, I do have plans for other stories set in the same world. You may just find that there are already plans set for short stories featuring major side characters in the current story, starring in their own adventures
It's been years when I started the zephyr saga and when it abruptly stopped it was agonizing. I'm used to having the authors taking breaks every now and then that took months but years passed. I was actually genuinely worried if something bad had happened and through the years I've been waiting with my hopes up that this story would continue and was even expecting it to be a published book that I stumble upon someday and it'll be the next big screen adaptation. I even feared reading your other works in thinking that it might be another major cliffhanger and I only started to read back here again just by sheer boredom. As I reread one of my favorites here and was not expecting this epic comeback, I almost dropped my phone lol. I'll be doing my own rereading of zephyr and will wait for the next updates. Will be here until this ends and or even expand to sequels/prequels. Welcome back!!
That said, I am a creative and writer at heart, so I couldn't just abandon all outlets for my creative itch. As some of you may have seen, my latest work before leaving involved the transliteration of YouTuber and nerdcore artist, Rustage's, One Piece D&D podcast into a novel. Between that podcast, and other online shows like the ever popular Critical Role, I became heavily invested in TTRPGs as a medium. Dungeons & Dragons' 5th Edition has since become my primary outlet for my creativity, as this August marks the 4th year anniversary of the massive One Piece-themed campaign I have been running for my party of friends. D&D has allowed me to tell massive stories and to create interesting characters that I can share with others (my players) while also taking much less time than writing my novels. It's thus been far easier for me to squeeze this into my taxing and busy school life. With this appeasing my lust for creation, there hasn't been as strong of an active drive for me to continue writing my stories on here. That being said, I do still have a special place in my heart for Zephyr: The Elemental Clans, and my other stories on here. Zephyr was and still is the stepping stone of my larger plan for a collection of stories that all share some similar thread. Zephyr is my baby and completing this book is the start of my dream accomplishment. (2/5)
Many of you may be asking... "Why give an update now?" That is because, for the first time, I can see the continuation of Zephyr on the horizon. Now, don't get too excited. It won't be continuing in the next few weeks or months. Infact, it's very possible that it may continue in something like a year from now. However, I'm comfortable saying this now, as opposed to in prior years, because I finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. In a few months, I should hopefully be completing my degree and by August I should have finally earned by title of Dr. Once that is done, then I am confident I can finally pour my heart back into Zephyr. The reason I'm giving myself a 1 year timeline revolves around a few things. For one, there is the whole issue of securing a job in my field. The Veterinary field is saturated, so it will take me time and energy to accomplish this. Then there's the topic of the love of my life, whom I found a connection with only last year. School life has been stressful on us both, and we've both promised that once it is over in a few short months, we will finally spend all the time nurturing that bond that we can't afford to spend now. In fact, in our early days of meeting, she'd spent a while begging me to let her read my story (that being Zephyr). I still haven't told her the name, nor given her any of my drafts, but it's more motivation for me to complete the story. The third reason is my D&D campaign. The reality is that I have a huge, interconnected story and world built for that campaign, and I am extremely invested in it alingside my players. I want to spend the time completing that tale, especially as it is quickly approaching a climax (and it's almost at Level 20, with epic boons). (3/5)
However, perhaps the most important and tragic reason: I forgot. I really have. Between all of the information I have crammed into my head regarding Veterinary Medicine, my D&D campaign world and general adulting knowledge (in case you all were unaware, I started Zephyr when I was a minor. I believe around 15 or 16 years old) the years I spent away from Zephyr has meant that I have simply forgotten alot of the story, world and characters. Don't panic though, because I have it covered. I still remember most of the overarching plot points, and the places where the story is meant to go. I also have certain later chapters already written on some of my devices, waiting for their time to be published. One such chapter is the final chapter of the story. Not only that but I have always made notes and detailed plans for worldbuilding, characters, relationships etc. that I could refer to if my memory ever faltered. So, before continuing to write Zephyr, I would need the time to go back through the entire book thus far, after which I shall read through all of my notes and plans. Once that it done, I'd have regained all the necessary knowledge I need to take the story to completion and tie up all the loose ends you all have been anticipating, without the need to make up entirely new directions for the tale. I hope you all look forward to it. (4/5)
Sigh... well, here we are. This has been an extremely long update, but you all deserve as much for the years I've been silent and kept you all in the dark. I don't know when the next update will come, but I hope you all continue to take care of yourselves until then. These next few months will be absolute hell for me with final exams, but once I'm through to the other side, I hope to find you all here where we can revel in a new chapter of my stories. Love you all! ~ tO_x-in (5/5)
It has been years since i came in here, but i hope your school work isn't overloading you too much ? I have come to show my appreciation for your work, especially the Zephyr Saga. You have a real gift for writing, character-making, and worldbuilding. Perhaps you have moved on from Wattpad, but whichever the case is, i hope you have a great day
here's hoping you are well with the pandemic. if anyone knows anything please let us know.
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