HiccstridLover2209 -> tRoLlS_eXiSt
Idk why I changed my username. I just grew tired of it...And I changed and all my pics.Also cause I grew tired of them. I'll probably be making and new covers once I have time
Love ya guys
Heyy...Hehehe..Go ahead and kill me...I have not posted in like.....Forever...But hold up. Before you begin throwing tomatoes at me...I have an explanation. I am writing 2 new stories in my notes that will be updated in like 5 months. The OS Collection is also a little hard to update since I have a lot of homework.I promise late March or beginning of April the updates will be way more frequent with the new books. Anyway...That is all from me
Peace out
Alright. I know most of you guys want to kill me because I have not updated in like....FOREVER and I am really sorry about that. I am on vacation with my fam and don't have enough time alone. I am trying my hardest to put together the last chapter of "We met at Summer Camp" because you guys have been waiting for that for a long time. Anywayyyy..That's all y'all Love ya and I'll see ya soon