I post here in case I gain reputation and followers in the future. But I am trying to write a script for a hypnosis method. My first original technique. I would like to test this before I introduce it to my fiancee as this is a field where her experience is much higher. Would any volunteer to be my test subject if you find me here from comments on ABDL and hypnotic stories? I do not seek slavery, but an opportunity to experiment a new technique. Any effect or trigger from this hypnos would be at your preference.
@kittyangelabdl Imagine if I want to know how aroused you are I will ask you for a number. Don't just say a number you must think carefully. Say '1' and imagine in your mind eye how a 1/10 arousal would feel. Are you more horny than that? Then go to the next number. Say '2' and imagine how a 2/10 arousal feels. Is that how you feel now, or are you more horny than? And continue until you reach the number. It makes it easier to be sure because your phantasia becomes more real with each number you count and perhaps your arousal increase as you do so, to become more obedient with each number you count. And now any time I ask how aroused you are you must answer by counting yourself. If you are excited enough the count will be enough to lead you to the trance.
I'm intrigued to see what you have in mind. I always love variant inductions, especially if there's something unexpected. I'm not a good subject for experiments (my response patterns are pretty unusual), but would you mind sharing?
Good luck!
I post here in case I gain reputation and followers in the future. But I am trying to write a script for a hypnosis method. My first original technique. I would like to test this before I introduce it to my fiancee as this is a field where her experience is much higher. Would any volunteer to be my test subject if you find me here from comments on ABDL and hypnotic stories? I do not seek slavery, but an opportunity to experiment a new technique. Any effect or trigger from this hypnos would be at your preference.
@kittyangelabdl Imagine if I want to know how aroused you are I will ask you for a number. Don't just say a number you must think carefully. Say '1' and imagine in your mind eye how a 1/10 arousal would feel. Are you more horny than that? Then go to the next number. Say '2' and imagine how a 2/10 arousal feels. Is that how you feel now, or are you more horny than? And continue until you reach the number. It makes it easier to be sure because your phantasia becomes more real with each number you count and perhaps your arousal increase as you do so, to become more obedient with each number you count. And now any time I ask how aroused you are you must answer by counting yourself. If you are excited enough the count will be enough to lead you to the trance.
I'm intrigued to see what you have in mind. I always love variant inductions, especially if there's something unexpected. I'm not a good subject for experiments (my response patterns are pretty unusual), but would you mind sharing?
Good luck!