
@brbstyles ahaha thank you! Same goes to you too❤️


Hey everybody, so it's been like 3 months sense I've written anything. The reason for that is cause someone close to me got really sick all of a sudden, and to be honest I shut down completely. Even though I thought I got over my depression and anxiety it got worse once this all happened. I also failed my grade 10 math course, and my grades have been crap. So overall, this semester of school has been crap. But now it's summer, and luckily that person who is sick, is slowly "dying" I guess you could say. But she has come to terms that she's not going to make it by the end of the year, and so have I. I think things are lighting up for me and I've decided that instead of not finishing any of my fanfics, I will continue them. So I just wanna ask you guys, are you still interested in my teen wolf fanfiction? That's the one I really feel like writing, so can you tell me? Either message me or just reply to this? Thank you for everything❤️


I'm sorry about your friend but I think you're both handling a difficult situation very well and that's so admirable. I'm glad you're able to see bright things in your future, and although I'm not a Teen Wolf fan I would definitely support your story if you decided to continue writing it. Lots of love ❤️