Hello Author-nim!! I wanna talk about a serious issue, I hope you can help to spread it. coz it's really very important. All you have to do is read this book, its not any kind of promotion or something, its very important, and share it at as many social media platforms as possible. https://www.wattpad.com/story/253728221?utm_source=android&utm_medium=link&utm_content=share_reading&wp_page=reading&wp_uname=-milkiemochi&wp_originator=sPCOqs6cl7VpdMqq8XzkVm1g2f6s9Lu9W40ef0jw7vzMPCL%2FoK6JmkKrmquxsgL%2Fg6GNkMsCXj%2Bukl4eo%2BvxfhVqJ1ln7%2BKjWeHH5eUcaIG0ZX3%2FmsOf%2F0WS%2B4kHdLUB Thank you for taking out your precious time to read this. Thanx again