
          	Hello everyone!!
          	It's taeberry here!! 
          	Hope y'all are doing well and healthy!!
          	I'm also well now!! 
          	As you know that I was depressed because of my father sudden death so I just took off from all this writing staff ( I was having also mind block so I couldn't even write)
          	Now I'm officially back now Alhamdulillah!!
          	I'm gonna write again!! 
          	On my last update, I told all of you that my phone got broken!! Still my phone is broken but I'm using another extra phone of my mom!! My all draft of "My Beautiful Doll" series got deleted!! 
          	So I'm taking 1 week to write again!! 
          	Next part of "My Beautiful Doll" will be uploaded in 1st week of February!! 
          	From now I will post regular as I used to do!! 
          	Take Care & SORRY 
          	TIA :)


          Hello everyone!!
          It's taeberry here!! 
          Hope y'all are doing well and healthy!!
          I'm also well now!! 
          As you know that I was depressed because of my father sudden death so I just took off from all this writing staff ( I was having also mind block so I couldn't even write)
          Now I'm officially back now Alhamdulillah!!
          I'm gonna write again!! 
          On my last update, I told all of you that my phone got broken!! Still my phone is broken but I'm using another extra phone of my mom!! My all draft of "My Beautiful Doll" series got deleted!! 
          So I'm taking 1 week to write again!! 
          Next part of "My Beautiful Doll" will be uploaded in 1st week of February!! 
          From now I will post regular as I used to do!! 
          Take Care & SORRY 
          TIA :)


          Hey Everyone Assalamu Alaikum
          It's taeberry here!!
          First of all I apologize to everyone!!
          I know many of you are waiting for the new chapter of "My Beautiful Doll" series.I wrote the new chapter like half, I could not complete the whole because I was busy due to various reasons and my mind is blocked, how to write my brain is not working.Not only that, my phone suddenly broke, half of the previous draft was also deleted.
          Today, Nana is admitted to the hospital again for his operation, due to which I don't have time to write again, but still I will try to write and upload it as soon as possible.
          And yes I have decided that after finishing the "My Beautiful Doll" series I will not write anymore, maybe this series will be the last series or story I write.Everyone please pray for my Nana that his operation will be successful 


Chapter 16 of "My Beautiful Doll" will be uploaded soon!! I can't say the exact date or time as I'm still writing the chapter!! 
          I delete the previous draft and write again!! The chapter will be a bit long and I'm trying to write it in a way that you can read and say, "Yes, the chapter was worth waiting for almost a month".
          This chapter will be full of love, romance, some emotion!! 
          So stay tune & follow me on Instagram (@taeberry_koo12) if you guy's still didn't!! 
          Some sneak peaks & spoiler will be given there :) 


Part 15 of "My Beautiful Doll" will be uploaded very soon!!
          Many may know what is happening in my country!!On the order of the government, the internet of the entire country has been disabled so that other countries do not know what is happening in the country!!
          Broadcast net was launched a while ago, the net is running very slowly, that too on the order of the government!!
          Social media is running little by little with VPN but there is a problem when trying to upload something!!
          I will be back soon with new part till then please support me & pray for Bangladeshi students!!
          Stay tune