
          	I would like to close this account due to personal reasons but I'll leave my books here. After all I don't want to delete something I actually have worked on for many hours. 
          	You probably won't hear of me again, so thank you to everyone who enjoyed my works!
          	Keep supporting our boys (and I still do) and their hard work. They deserve all the love and happiness!
          	And with that, probably for the last time...
          	...byeee! ♡


i’ll miss you!❤️❤️❤️


          I would like to close this account due to personal reasons but I'll leave my books here. After all I don't want to delete something I actually have worked on for many hours. 
          You probably won't hear of me again, so thank you to everyone who enjoyed my works!
          Keep supporting our boys (and I still do) and their hard work. They deserve all the love and happiness!
          And with that, probably for the last time...
          ...byeee! ♡


i’ll miss you!❤️❤️❤️


Since it's the last day, even a few ours left until we will enter the next year, I wish you all a Happy New Year ♡ 
          This year has been rough, wasn't it? The world, everyone, will leave this year with lot of grief, from dissapointments, with scars, but also with core memories from people we feel loved, we feel cherished. We will leave this year with new people we met, with a new mindset, with new persuasion and new dreams. 
          I don't know what will happen next. But I'm sure a lot of us, including me, had to fight in heavy battles against new insecurities, more humiliation, or perhaps new fears. Events that are unfogettable or unforgiven. Things we didn't try because of fear, things we regret very much, things we have felt never before. 
          Maybe you experienced the lowest part of your life, those tears, this emptiness, I hope those will heal as quickly as possible. So stay strong, hold on and make the best out of the misery. 
          I know words are words and it is easier said than done. But be aware what you achieve, what you have learned. Cherish those moments you are the most proudest of this year. And even if you feel like there is nothibg to be proud of, to be happy about this year, then remember beautiful things you are proud of last year, or the other year. Anything. But I'm sure there is so something, be it the tiniest thing. Everything has an impact. 
          Moreover, I would like to thank everyone who read my books. It maybe doesn't seem like it but I'm very grateful that someone cherish my work. I wasn't much active this year, but I currently work on some pieces and hope they will greet the next year soon. 
          And with that, feel hugged or a handshake will do it too, anything you prefer hahaha
          See you all next year and stay healthy, 
          Wished your author taecup_k ♡
          *I might got a little emotional, but I have to spill the last tea of this year haha* 


I wonder are you still there? 


@itsruee_ Glad to know!! Stay healthy and safe!! Merry Christmas btw <33


@ itsruee_  
            hi, don't worry, I'm still here! There was just much going on during the last months, so I'm often offline nowdays...but thank you for asking ♡ 


          If you're surprised by sudden restraction of 'Anti Romantic', I took down this book. I didn't feel satisfied with the outcome of the plot, so I've decided to re edit the entire story. I'm not sure how long it'll take me to finish the book but I can promise you all that I currently work on a (hopefully) better version. 
          Thank you for considering!


          So currently, I work on three books and I don't know how to continue 'Anti Romantic' *thumbs up and smiling*  
          Just updating to let you know that I'm still alive! 


@taecup_k Yay!! I hope you find inspo or a way to continue Anti Romantic since it's too good :)) I've been a silent reader for a while and I'll try to leave comments here and there ;)


this message may be offensive
listening to the new album on shuffle rn they are probably stamped in my dna and brain so good is it shit this comeback is lit those freaking live stages the beautifully magical mv they showered my eyes with so much glitter into my face their immaculate visuals their golden voices like what the fuck making me levitating like taehyun in the mv something i really needed from relieving stress hearing quite expensive news of breaking records after records i'm proud of them i'm proud of moas shit this morning starts off good so far i'm indeed in a sugar rush ride rn help


Happy New Year everyone! New Year, New Luck, New Chances.
          I wish you all to stay healthy, to be most of your time happy with people you adore and love, I wish you all the best of luck for a better new year. 
          See you in 2023! *Sending a virtual hug* <333